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Explanation of Keyword Planner Tool for Keyword Discovery


Keyword Planner Tool Explanation

The Keyword Planner tool is one of the most commonly used tools for online keyword research. The tool offers users many useful options and features to discover keywords for various advertising campaigns and content websites.

Using the Keyword Planner tool is easy and doesn't require a lot of experience to access keyword discovery options. However, there are some points to consider when using this tool to ensure accurate results and useful keywords.

In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation of how to use the Keyword Planner tool.

What is the Keyword Planner Tool?

Before explaining how to use the Keyword Planner tool, let's first define it briefly. The Keyword Planner tool is essentially a tool for planning advertising campaigns on Google and is part of the Google Ads platform.

The Keyword Planner tool helps Google advertisers identify keywords to reach their target audience and determine the appropriate budget. The tool also provides detailed reports on performance and results that can be used to improve advertising campaigns in the future.

Of course, bloggers and content creators also use the Google Keyword Planner tool to discover keywords with high search volumes and create content around these keywords.

In this article, we will focus on the options for finding keywords for free without the need to create advertising campaigns on Google. However, it's important to note that the tool primarily relies on the results of advertising campaigns to provide more detailed options for finding winning keywords that deliver results.

How to Use the Keyword Planner Tool

1. Searching for Keywords

Accessing the Keyword Planner tool is done through your Google Ads account. Creating an account on this platform is easy and takes only a few minutes.

To start, visit the official Google Ads website and log in with your Gmail account. Then click on "Tools and settings" and select "Keyword Planner."

Starting the keyword search on Google Planner

The tool offers you two options for searching keywords. The first allows you to target keywords related to your business directly, which we will discuss first.

Under the search box, you can target the language of the keywords. You can change the language by clicking on the selected language to display the languages that Google allows keyword searches in.

You can also change your geographical targeting location by clicking on the country name displayed below the search bar. A list of available countries for this option will appear.

You can adjust the geographic location as you wish, either at the country or city level, and you will find an illustrative map to help you identify the names of cities for targeting.

For each targeting option you choose, you will see an estimated audience number that you can reach through this geographic targeting option.

As for the main search field, you can add up to 10 keywords and search for them. Adding more keywords generates more ideas for keywords.

Example of search results in Keyword Planner

You can use the suggested keywords next to "Broaden your search" to expand your search scope. Click on one of the displayed keywords next to this option to add it to the search, then click "Get results" to see the results of the new keyword search.

These ideas and keywords are arranged according to several factors, with the most important being their relevance to the search topic. This factor is known as "Keyword (by Relevance)," but you can change this ranking to be based on other factors, such as:

- Monthly search: Average monthly search volume.
- Three-month change: Percentage change over three months.
- YoY change: Year-over-year change percentage in keyword search volume.
- Competition: Keyword competition rate.
- Ad impression share The percentage of your ads that appeared to your target audience compared to the size of that audience.
- Top of page (low range): Represents the lowest amount advertisers have paid for their ads to appear when these keywords are searched.
- Top of page (high range): Represents the highest amount advertisers have paid for their ads to appear when these keywords are searched.
- Account status: Alerts you to whether these keywords are inside your advertising campaign or not.

Now, we will discuss the second option that allows you to find keywords by analyzing a website The Entire Last Page or Part of It,

Obtaining Keywords through a Website Link

You can use this option in multiple ways The first is to add your website link to see all the keywords you've used on it. By using the filters we've created earlier, you can discover new keywords related to the keywords used on your website.

You can also specify the search to include only one page of your website.

The second method is to leverage this tool to find the keywords that competing websites are targeting. Don't worry; this type of competitive analysisis legitimate and within the bounds of ethical research and has many benefits.

You can use the keywords you've identified to create your own content that competes with other websites for these keywords. Additionally, you can choose to target keywords that these competing websites are heavily or lightly focused on, depending on the strength of your site compared to theirs.

2. Details of Keyword Search Results

There are two ways to view the results of your search. The first method displays each keyword separately, while the second method allows you to display keywords in groups based on their relevance and similarity.

To display keywords in grouped view, go to the right side of the screen and click on "Keyword view" and select "Grouped view."

When you choose "Grouped View," the results will appear, and the numbers next to each group of keywords represent the number of keywords in each group. You can use keyword groups to create strong content that helps you rank higher in search engine results for these keywords.

Finally, you can control the display of search results criteria by clicking on the "Columns" button next to the "Keyword View" button.

After selecting the appropriate criteria, click "Apply" at the bottom of the page to save and add them to the results.

It's worth noting that you can control the keyword data based on the time frame you desire, whether it's the last month, the last 12 months, or as per your preference. This option can be used to understand keyword statistics during specific periods, such as summer months or the academic year. You can access it by clicking on the arrow next to the date in the top-right corner.

Can the keywords we search for be improved? Yes, this is possible by clicking on "Refine keywords." When you click on this tool, you'll see some suggestions or simple improvements for your keywords.

If you choose to click on "Expand all," you will see all the options that you can use or remove.

3. Refining Keyword Search

Now, let's design a filter to refine keyword search results. The purpose of the filter is to remove results with specific characteristics.

Click on "Add filter" located in the row displaying the number of suggested keywords, along with "Columns" and "Keyword View."

After clicking it, a dropdown menu will appear with many criteria that you can use to filter the results.

If you click on "Keyword," for example, it will lead you to the filter adjustment option.

First, add the keyword you want to filter by in the "Value" field. Choose "Contains" if you want the results to only include the keyword you've specified. Alternatively, choose "Does not Contain" if you want all keywords to appear except the one you specified in the "Value" field.

You can also choose between two methods for refining keywords:

- Text Match: Similarity of keywords with refined keywords character by character.
- Semantic Match: Similarity of keywords with refined keywords based on their meaning and semantic relevance.

Of course, you can use multiple filters to refine keywords according to any criteria that suit you. For example, you can delete keywords based on their competition level.

Finally, if you want to delete any filter, you can click on the "X" icon next to it.

4. Saving Search Results

Due to the large number of results and keywords, Google allows you to save these results in separate files. To save your search results, go to the upper-right corner of the screen and click on the download arrow to display the options for saving search results.

You can save your search results in a CSV file format, which can be used in programs like Excel and Google Sheets. You can also directly share the results on your Google Sheets account, saving them to your Google Ads-associated account.


In this article, we introduced and explained the Google Keyword Planner tool and reviewed its capabilities in the field of keyword identification. Integrating this tool with others like Google Search Console results in better outcomes and more accurate information about keywords.